Pay Using Your PayPal Account
When you the customer transfer from our site to our PayPal Website ,a screen will appear to fill in your Electrical invoice ( your order summary -description and price) Enter that Information .Than if you wish to via Paypal Account enter your Email and Paypal Password and Click ”Log In”,Choose your payment method and Click ”Pay Now ”
Pay Using Your Credit Card
When you the customer transfer from our site to our Paypal website a screen will appear to fill in your Electrical invoice ( your order summary -description and price ) Enter that information .Then if you wish to pay via Credit Card look under the Paypal Email/Paypal Password field and click on:Don’t have a Paypal Account ? This Takes you to a Screen where you can Enter your Credit Card information to make a Payment.You Are Not Required to Create a PayPal Account with this option.
Pay Using Bill Me Later
- Apply for Bill Me Later Today or During PayPal Checkout
- Just answer Two Quick Questions,Accept the Terms and Get a Decision in Seconds
- You’ll Receive and Email when Your Monthly Statement is Ready